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- /*
- * A QAD hack to keep a hotlist for Amiga Mosaic 1.2.
- *
- * Copyright 1994, Mike W. Meyer
- */
- /* Argument parsing - what there is of it */
- parse arg infile outfile
- if infile = "" then infile = "envarc:Mosaic/hotlist.html"
- if outfile = "" then outfile = "env:Mosaic/hotlist.html"
- /* Get the line to be added */
- options results
- 'get url'
- url = result
- 'fetch title'
- new = '<MENU><A HREF="'url'">'result'</A>'
- /* Get my two file handles */
- nofile = ~open(infile, infile, 'Read')
- if ~open(outfile, outfile, 'Write') then exit 10
- /*
- * Copy (or create) the header. Everything up to the first blank line
- * in the input file is header, and left alone.
- */
- if nofile then do
- call writeln outfile, "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Hotlist</TITLE></HEAD>" ,
- "<BODY><H1>Pages of interest</H1><MENU>"
- call writeln outfile, ""
- end
- else
- do until line = ""
- line = readln(infile)
- call writeln outfile, line
- end
- /* Add the new line */
- call writeln outfile, new
- /* Now copy the rest */
- if nofile then
- call writeln outfile, "</MENU></BODY></HTML>"
- else
- do until eof(infile)
- line = readln(infile)
- call writeln outfile, line
- end
- /* Clean up, and copy outfile back to infile */
- call close outfile
- call close infile
- address command 'copy' outfile infile
- exit 0